AZ interior design Tucson

Elevated Interiors

Your Tucson Home Staging Specialists

Our focus is on creating a positive client experience

Boutique Staging Company

We are a Boutique staging company with a personalized approach to every project with an emphasis on the client experience. Each piece of furniture, decor, and artwork is thoughtfully selected by Denice and Melinda. Our inventory is company owned and we source from a wide-variety of retailers to meet the design needs of each home we stage.

We understand that time is money in Real Estate

Highly Responsive

At Elevated Interiors our goal is to elevate the market appeal of your property and maximize profit with a personalized approach to Staging. We take the time to understand your home’s distinctive features and how to showcase its fullest potential.

We understand that time is money in Real Estate. We pride ourselves on being highly responsive, flexible, and accommodating to our clients. Oftentimes we are able to submit a Staging Proposal the same day we preview the property.

From furniture arrangement to decorative touches, we ensure every detail contributes to the overall aesthetic and price-point of the home.

CALL US: 520-979-4536